Winner of Bronze Telly Award!

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Check out the fresh and fun “Reinvent Yourself” marketing campaign for Goodwill Manasota! These TV spots showcase the economic, environmental, educational, and employment impact Goodwill Manasota has on Sarasota and Manatee counties.  This series was produced and directed by Lindsey Nickel de la O of Nickel Communications.  Both 30- and 15-second versions were created.  Use the playlist controls above to select videos for viewing.

Produced & Directed by Nickel Communications
Cinematography & Editing by Brad Bryan

Winner of Bronze Telly

Goodwill Manasota earned a Bronze Telly for this series.  The Tellys are the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online commercials, video and films.  Learn more…